29 Jul 2011

White Rose : A Story of Kim Jinyeong and Kyoko Matsumoto

Episode 7-

“Jinja? The formal engagement day will be arranged sooner?” His parent just smile happily.
“Wah, sis-in-law really talented! I’m glad she can passed it, even when her look can be the model herself!” Jinsung get a pinch from his brother
Jinyeong looks at him devily. “Hey, brother. If you dare to like her, you know what will I do to you, right?”
“I-don’t-care!!” Jinsung laughs. “Argh!! It’s hurt Hyung!!” Jinyeong pinches him more.
Kyoko smiles so brightly this noon. She already stands since 15 minutes ago. She can’t wait more because they’ll have a costume fitting for the engagement day. But cluelessly Jinyeong didn’t come up yet. She sits, and stands, and walks around then sits again. Then she decides to stand again. Til the school’s getting almost no one.
All of a sudden, some beggars come up and try to flirt Kyoko. They’re surrounding Kyoko, one of them catch Kyoko’s bag. Kyoko seemed really frightened. She wished somebody come up and help her. But there seemed no one will.
Louis has just finish his last practicum in Science Club activity. He packs her backpack and get out from laboratory quickly. “It’s almost match time. Crap!!” He’s going to slap her head but seeing a student being bullied by beggars, he won’t. He keeps hiding for making strategy. He comes to the crowd and try to punch them one by one. One man which holds Kyoko tightly, being punch by him at the back. He fights them and take Kyoko’s bag with a great smile. But..
One of the beggars hit him from backside and made him fell down. The other two beggars kick him while the rest of them take their bikes. Louis get much hurts and bleeding. He’s trying to get up when the beggars come to their friends on bikes. Since he could stand weakly, a beggars bike hit them instead. He fell and rolling on the ground til his body faces the pedestrian. All the things getting dark around him and blackout.
A doctor and some nurses come out from the surgery room. Kyoko and Jinyeong get up and asks the doctor quickly about Louis condition.
“Are you his family?” said the doctor. Both of them shake heads. “It’s better if his family here. Because he lost much blood. And usually family’s blood-related is easy to adapt with patient’s body. So when they will come?”
“Mm, He only has dad. And he’s working now. Usually he comes home about 9 pm. Isn’t it too long if we’re waiting? Can it be replace, doc?” Kyoko said carefully.
The doctor thinks a while said, “Ok. His blood type is AB+. Do you have one?”
Kyoko shakes her head again. But Jinyeong nods certainful. “I’m ready doc.”

28 Jul 2011


First word I'm gonna say
Yesterday and even today
Things I wished the wind to bring away

Don't know which way to choose
And how to find a way back
on being like yesterday

I can't forget you
nor erase you out of mind
Just because that mistake
I'm cruel if doing so

This last days
before the day of forgiveness
Days ago
Said you had forgiven me and let go

I said nothing but regrets
You left me by the uncertainties
Which never cracked til tomorrow

Times and times you said enough
Times and times I tried to make it enough
Stopping the uncertain things which was chasing me around

Times and times I tried
To forget the mistake we had
Not to erase your owner pet

25 Jul 2011

kolam kata tanpa makna

Surya masih menggagah di tengah rapuhnya negri. Memberi energi bagi setiap individu di muka bumi.
Alangkah sabarnya ia menyaksikan bumi disiksa makhluk2 mini tak berhati. Sering ia berdialog dgn langit mengadukan rasa perih nan ibanya kepada kekasih langit. Sungguh ia tak pernah bermaksud menyimpankan panas radiasinya hingga menutup kulit bumi. Semua ini hanya ulah dua tangan dan kaki manusia.

Melihat hijaunya rumput (negri) tetangga. Hal plg menyedihkan yg kurasa. Bukan. Bukan sekedar kehijauannya. Jika dibanding negri ini, mereka kalah. Hanya saja kekompakan mereka dlm.memajukan bangsa sendiri. Kejujuran yang jarang tampak d bumi pertiwi. Modal yg mereka dapat dari Allah hanya sekedar pulau tanpa beban gempa. Bahkan penduduk asli saja mereka tak punya. Namun hanya dlm waktu 70 tahun mereka perbarui semua.

3 Jul 2011

My Love

(Sebelum baca, kukasitau "aku" di sini cowok, lhoo. met baca!!)

I know I've fallen in love when you're coming down to my eyes

Wanna make you, wanna feel the beauty as you are

I wanna tell you some I'm not a man who say in lies

Wanna love you I wanna hold you can you be the part of my life

Ya, harus kuakui aku jatuh hati sejak melihatmu. Saat itu kau menjadi seorang penjaga kasir di sebuah swalayan. Aku sempat mematung sebelum mendengar panggilanmu untuk giliranku membayar. Sejak itu, di hari yang sama setiap minggu aku ke sana, entah membeli apa. Yang penting aku dapat antre di kasirmu.

I imagine you smiling at me,

I imagine you holding my hand, oh oh

Cast a spell and hope you become my love

I imagine you sleeping in my arms

I imagine you kissing me oh oh

What a sweet imagination

My heart keeps on going thump thump
When you look at me, you keep on smiling without you even noticing, and before you even realized, you started to fall for me

You’ve fallen for me, fallen for me, you melted because of my sweet love
You’ve fallen for me, fallen for me, you’ve fallen for the look in my eyes

See my eyes, You’ve fallen for Me

See my eyes, You’ve fallen for Me

Semakin sering aku datang ke sana, hingga kau pun hafal dan mulai tahu faktor X dari kunjunganku setiap minggu. Kau pun akhirnya memberikan nomormu agar kita bisa bertemu di luar swalayan. Dan kita semakin sering bertemu. Awalnya aku sedikit canggung namun kelamaan aku melihat kecanggungan itu berpindah padamu. Ah, mungkin bukan canggung tapi malu. Rona merah jambu itu sungguh mencuat diantara putih pipimu. Ya, aku tahu kau mulai membalas perasaanku.

I’ll also confess to you I love you I love you, Now I shall confess to you that I love you

I also love you love you my feelings are telling you that I love you

Akhirnya aku berani mengatakannya. Malam Tahun Baru menjadi saksi pengakuan itu. Tepat tiga hari menjelang ulangtahunmu. Dan tepat di hari itu kau memintaku untuk mendaftarkan namamu di agensiku sebagai model. Yah, notabene aku seorang wartawan majalah fashion.

Kabar bahagia itu-kau diterima sebagai model- datang bersamaan dengan kecemasanku. Karena pekerjaan model itu sangat riskan. Ya, riskan untuk hatiku. Risih rasanya melihatmu dipasangkan dengan lawan jenis. Tapi apa mau dikata, aku telanjur mendukung semua pilihanmu.

2 bulan berjalan, dan kau semakin ahli berlenggak lenggok di depan kamera. Tubuhmu yag proporsional dan wajahmu yang menawan tak pelik membuat beberapa teman modelmu mengutarakan perasaannya padamu. Dan kau menolak mereka demi aku. Aku sangat bangga, kau tahu?

Tapi ternyata tak ada gading yang tak retak. Sepulang dari kamp pemotretan di Bali, kau bertingkah sedikit aneh. Ya, kau memang masih tersenyum padaku dan bertingkah ceria. Tapi terkadang keceriaanmu berlebihan. Membuatnya terasa dusta. Bahkan kau jadi lebih sensitif saat aku tanpa sengaja menyinggung kedekatanmu dengan seorang fotografer. Maaf, awalnya aku tidak cemburu tapi reaksimu membuatku begitu.

Keanehan itu bahkan menjadikanmu dingin setiap kali aku menelponmu. Seringkali kau tolak telpon dariku. Entah pekerjaanmu atau harus menjaga rumah, berjuta alasan kaubuat untuk menghindar dariku. Bahkan sampai pada suatu saat nomormu tak dapat kuhubungi lagi.

Akhirnya aku mendapat suatu kabar dari rekan sekerjaku. Ia tak sengaja melihatmu berciuman mesra dengan sang fotografer. Sungguh aku muak mendengarnya. Aku ingin segera mendengar penjelasanmu. Aku berharap itu hanya mimpi atau angin lalu. Tapi berkali-kali kucoba menghubungimu tetap tak bisa.

I get a feeling that you’ll leave me (Don’t give up)

You keep giving me all these excuses (Don’t give up)

Your cold Bye Bye that felt different from before (Don’t give up)
I cannot let you go (Because I love you)

You told me you love me but now, why you say goodbye?
I cannot let you go like this, never (because I love you)

Don’t try to leave me
with only an excuse

Please don’t go go go, Please don’t go

Can you please look back at me just once?

Please don’t go go go, I don’t like sad good byes
Please come back to me, because I love you

Berkali-kali kuyakinkan hati untuk bersabar dan memaafkanmu. Aku terlalu mencintaimu dan tak sudi merelakanmu. Selalu berharap kau kan kembali padaku. Hingga akhirnya..

Aku berbelanja di swalayan tempatmu dulu bekerja. Tanpa sengaja aku melihatmu di satu lorong. Berdua dengan seseorang yang kukenal. Ya, siapa lagi kalau bukan fotografer itu? Kau sempat melirikku dan terkejut. Aku menunduk kemudian mendongak lagi, dan jelas terdengar di telingaku “tidak. Bukan apa-apa kok.” Diakhiri senyuman manismu untuk pria di sampingmu itu.

Aku melihatmu, dengan tangannya yang tak lepas dari pinggangmu. Memelukmu erat di luar busanamu yang semakin minim. Aku hanya bisa mengepalkan tangan dan menahan geram.

Erasing the memories, erasing it with the tears

You, who I can’t contain in me

Pushing away the memories, pushing away the pain
So that you can’t linger in me

Throwing away the memories, throwing it away with the tears

So that I won’t have any hope
So that you wouldn’t even know my yearning heart

Even if I push you away painfully (I just wait for you)

I miss you still, I don’t think I can stop it (I can’t do anything about it)
Perhaps I still can’t send you away

Even if I throw you away, you grow in my heart

You become the tear that never dries

Even if I erase you, you grow again
You become the scar without the pain

Day by day, my love that has faded

Now I can’t even catch my love
No matter how hard I try

I swallow the tears so I can’t raise my chin

With the yearning that dug into my heart
So that even my warn out heart won’t notice

Even if I push you away painfully (I just wait for you)

I miss you still, I don’t think I can stop it (I can’t do anything about it)
Perhaps I still can’t send you away

Even if I throw you away, you grow in my heart

You become the tear that never dries

Even if I erase you, you grow again
You become the scar without the pain

Day by day, my love that has faded

Now I can’t even catch my love
No matter how hard I try

Your gaze that was always nerve wrecking (It always captured me)

The hoping that you will run to me (You keep giving me bruises)
Now you can’t even come to me anymore

Even if I throw you away, you grow in my heart

You become the tear that never dries

Even if I erase you, you grow again
You become the scar without the pain

I love you, I just love you

I can’t even hug you when I can bear the pain

No matter how hard I try to catch you

No matter how many times I call you my love
It doesn’t work

“Aaarghh… Shit!!!!” Bugh! Apa kau lihat? Bahkan dinding itu jadi korban efek domino yang kau berikan padaku. Kau benar-benar.. Argh!! Bahkan aku tak bisa mencapmu dengan julukan-julukan hina. Entahlah, walaupun aku tahu kau berkhianat terhadapku aku tak bisa membencimu. Tak bisa. Arrrgghhh!!! Praang!

Esoknya kau menelponku tanpa kuduga. Kau bilang mau bertemu, di tempat biasa. Oke, aku akan datang. Aku sungguh bersyukur kala mendapatimu duduk sendirian. Setidaknya tidak bersama dia.

“Maaf, selama ini aku berbohong dan akhirnya kau tahu. Jadi, kuharap kau bisa mengerti.”

Ya, aku mengerti. Mengerti bahwa kau memintaku untuk mengakhiri hubungan ini.

“Maaf, selama ini aku mencintai dia. Jangan salah paham, bukan karena uang. Tapi aku benar-benar mencintainya. Dan dia mengajakku menikah.. bulan depan. Ini,”

Tanganmu yang halus menampilkan sebuah kertas indah dari dalam tas kecilmu itu. Betapa aku ingin menggenggam kembali tangan itu. Tapi segera kutahan ketika sebuah undangan terlihat di mataku. Indah, ya sangat indah. Harapan agar namaku yang tertulis di dalamnya segera kutepis. Ini untukmu, dan aku belum bicara sepatah kata pun.

“Kuharap kau bisa datang. Terimakasih dan maaf telah menyakitimu sedalam ini.” katamu seraya membalikkan badan.

Kau.. sungguh.. “Tunggu.” Ah ini saatnya, kau berbalik dan menatapku. Tapi sedari awal kusadari tatapanmu hambar. Kosong. Bahkan tak ada senyuman ceria lagi. “Apa kau tidak ingin mendengar sesuatu dariku?”

“Baiklah, apa itu?”

“Sakitku.. tidak bisakah kauobati? Kumohon hari ini saja, sisakan waktu bersamaku.” Aku tahu aku seperti anak kecil tapi aku tak tahu apalagi yang harus kukatakan.

“Maaf. Tapi kurasa tidak bisa. Hari ini jadwal pemotretan benar-benar penuh. Belum lagi mengurus agenda pernikahan itu. Kau tahu sendiri aku orangnya banyak repot. Hahaha.” Tawamu hambar.

Aku membuang napas pendek. “Baiklah. Selamat jalan. Semoga persiapannya lancar.”

Hari pernikahanmu pun tiba. Diiringi hujan deras aku melangkah keluar kontrakan sempit ini. Langkah demi langkah hingga tiba di suatu tempat. Tidak, jangan sangka aku menuju ke resepsimu. Langkah ini, menuju ke tempat aku jatuh cinta padamu.

Aku membeli barang yang sama walaupun tak kubutuhkan. Menuju kasir yang sama dengan pandangan hampa. Di sana sang kasir--yang sekarang adalah laki-laki—menegurku karena giliranku tiba. Aku membayar semua barang dan beranjak keluar.

Baru kusadari di luar ternyata hujan deras. Dulu tidak seperti ini. Tidak ada hujan yang menyerang. Aku tetap melangkah, menerabas hujan yang menusuk badan. Dan perlahan, kukeluarkan tangis yang tertahan. Menyadari, bahwa dulu dan kini tak lagi sama. Cerita indah itu telah berganti.

No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
Teadrops in the rain

I wish upon a star, I wonder where you are

I wish you're coming back to me again
And everything's the same like it used to be

I see the days go by and still I wonder why

I wonder why it has to be this way
Why can't I have you here just like it used to be

I don't know which way to choose

How can I find a way to go on ?
I don't know if I can go on without you oh

Even if my heart's still beating just for you

I really know you are not feeling like I do

And even if the sun is shining over me

How come I still freeze ?

No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
I shed teardrops in the rain

I wish that I could fly, I wonder what you say

I wish you're flying back to me again
Hope everything's the same like it used to be

I don't know which way to choose

How can I find a way to go on
I don't know if I can go on without you, without you

Even if my heart's still beating just for you

I really know you are not feeling like I do

And even if the sun is shining over me

How come I still freeze ?

No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
I shed teardrops in the rain

Oh... I shed teardrops in the rain
Oh... Hey... Teardrops in the rain

Even if my heart's still beating just for you

I really know you are not feeling like I do

And even if the sun is shining over me

How come I still freeze ?

No one ever sees (no one) no one feels the pain (no one)

I shed teardrops in the rain

Teardrops in the rain

Teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain...


Rimie Ramadan


Inspired by CNBLUE’s songs

Disclaimer: All the songs n lyrics belong to CNBLUE and Boices’ page who translated them.

Gomawayo chingu. Kamsahamnida..

Is this story deep enough? Hehe.. lagi pengen refreshing sih.

di awal berasa cuma kerangka karangan doang haha..

worse? better? need ur comment please.. thank you