29 Okt 2013

Heart Blows

Life is under the name of Love. Love from God, parents, you can find it everywhere. And it would be special  if you find them under some-unknown-body's heart. It suddenly came. Makes your heart beats faster. Make your dreams nicer. Makes everything seems new. That's when you found a soul mate.

Things you cannot do, they do. Things they cannot see, you see. The world seems beautiful if you treasure it in two. Like you live in such fantasy.

But why, dear? You made it so hard lately. I can't trust you in things. You made shame of me. You betray me, never can do things right. You said "A", i did "A". You said "K", i do like your order. But when i'm mistaken, you just stood there out of me, and laugh like i made a very-very-very-silly thing. Have you ever fell into that thing? Since you're a heart of mine, i always forgive you then. But again and again you made this stress on me.

You know what? I'm not a rational minded. I'm most did everything on my will, on my heart. So when i'm stuck on this kinda matter, i just cannot do things right. Same with another past. When I fell in love with somebody here in this damn campus. And i just cannot do anything. I messed up my work, my study, everything. Back then, you came. Think of some fairy tale, i thought you are the mend of my heart. Things are easier back then.

Now it's up and down. I don't know what to do.

7 Okt 2013

Aidan Hamzah

Namanya Aidan. Wajahnya biasa, berkacamata dengan rambut cepak. Tingginya sekitar 170 cm, pun tidak setegap model majalah remaja. Warna kulitnya sawo matang, tipikal pribumi Jawa. Hanya saja, dia adalah manusia yang membuat semua wanita terpesona. Satu kata kunci, senyumannya.

Pemuda itu senang berkebun. Tak jarang ia membawa hasil kebunnya ke kampus untuk dicicipi oleh mahasiswa lainnya. Ia tahu bahwa buah-buahnya merupakan sesuatu yang sangat istimewa bagi mahasiswa ngekos. Seistimewa dirinya yang masih sempat berkebun di antara tugas kuliah yang menumpuk.

Aidan atau Dan saja, begitu teman-temannya biasa memanggilnya. Bukan tergolong mahasiswa dengan kejeniusan tinggi, pun tidak dengan kerajinan superpesat. Tapi keloyalannya terhadap teman-temannya bisa diacungi jempol. Ia selalu tersenyum, tanpa pernah berkata tidak. Terutama jika ia sedang tersipu malu, semua wanita gemas ingin mencubit pipinya. Terlalu manis, mengalahkan gula jawa.