"Hoaahm.." Mimi menguap lebar. Seketika Momo menutup mulut Mimi sambil berdecak sebal.
"Dasar, kau ini! Sudah berapa kali kuingatkan, kalau menguap tutup mulutmu. Keselek lalat baru tau rasa." omel Momo.
"Iya deh, Mo. Lain kali." Dan selalu begitu jawabannya.
Momo maklum, sahabatnya dari kecil itu hanya memiliki waktu kurang dari 3 jam untuk istirahat. Sisanya ia gunakan untuk bekerja demi kelangsungan nyawanya. Terkadang ia iba pada Mimi. Sebatang kara, hidup di dunia, tak memiliki siapa-siapa. Hanya Momo lah satu-satunya orang yang peduli padanya.
"Mi," panggilan Momo membuatnya terpaksa membuka mata, tanpa bicara. "Malam ini makan bareng yuk. Kamu ke apartemenku. Mau gak? Aku yang traktir."
"Serius? Tar boong lagi kayak kemarin. Aku dah sampai di lobi apartemenmu, ternyata kamu jalan sama si Bunga." responnya malas.
"Kali ini aku gak boong deh, bener! Lagian aku kan udah putus sama Bunga tadi pagi. Yuk, makan bareng yuk, mau ya? Ya?" pintanya.
"Yaudah deh. Asal kamu gak kabur aja kayak waktu itu."
"Gak kok, janji!" katanya sambil mengacungkan kelingkingnya dan disambut kelingking Mimi pelan. "Oke, jam 7 di apartemenku yaa!" Tegas Momo semangat.
Mimi hanya mengangguk lemah. Kantuknya kembali menyerang. "Hoaahm."
Momo menatap lekat kotak berbalut sampul hijau di hadapannya. Sambil tersenyum riang, ia mengelus-elus kotak itu dan sesekali membukanya. Sebuah hadiah yang akan diberikannya pada Mimi.
"Kamu pasti cantik memakainya, Mi."
Momo dan Mimi memang berbeda. Momo yang merupakan pangeran, generasi ke tujuh dari seorang konglomerat berdarah biru, Raden Mas Suryo Darmono Kartodiningrat. Yang menguasai hampir 80% saham perusahaan di Indonesia. Dan memiliki cadangan sumur minyak yang tersebar di Asia Pasifik. Tetapi Momo sangat mandiri. Sejak SMP, ia memilih belajar di daerah yang jauh dari orangtua dan diberi tempat tinggal sendiri. Dan saat itulah ia bertemu Mimi.
Tok, tok, tok!
Bunyi yang menyadarkan Momo dari lamunannya. Dia tersenyum sumringah. "Itu pasti Mimi." Ia beranjak membuka pintu.
Mimi tak harus menunggu lama. Begitu ia mendengar jawaban dari ketukan pintunya, ia langsung mendengar derap kaki Momo. "Sahabatku satu-satunya itu memang terlalu semangat jika menemuiku." batin Mimi.
"Sudah sampai? Ayo, masuk dulu," sapa Momo begitu kepalanya muncul dari balik pintu. Ia pun membuka pintunya lebar.
Mimi melangkah ke dalam apartemen Momo tanpa rasa canggung. Ia sudah sering ke tempat itu dan menganggap apartemen Momo sebagai rumahnya sendiri. Walaupun untuk kenyataannya itu tidak mungkin.
Tanpa disuruh, ia langsung menuju kulkas Momo. "Mo, aku minta minum ya!" katanya dibalik pintu kulkas. Momo hanya mengangguk sambil berjalan ke balkon. Mimi membawa gelas berisi air putih dingin itu lalu menyusul Momo ke balkon.
Momo menarik nafas panjang dan merebahkan pantatnya di ayunan yang ada di balkonnya. Ia menatap langit malam yang kala itu tidak banyak bintang. "Haruskah aku memberitahunya saat ini? Saat yang juga istimewa baginya. Tapi, aku takut dan belum siap. Aku takut kalau dia_" Lamunannya buyar ketika ia merasa ayunan itu bergoyang. Ia memutar kepalanya.
"Kau sedang memikirkan apa?" Tanya gadis yang baru saja menjadi pemeran utama dalam lamunannya. "Kau jadi sedikit lebih ganteng kalau melamun seperti itu, haha."
Momo mengacak rambutnya. "Hus! Selamanya aku adalah orang terganteng di dunia!" teriaknya pede. Mimi tertawa.
"Ingat ya Mi," ancam Momo. "Selama kamu belum memiliki kekasih, eh, tidak! Bahkan setelah kamu memiliki kekasih pun, aku tetap laki-laki paling tampan yang pernah kau temui. Mengerti?"
Mimi menggeleng. "Ti..dak..Orang yang paling ganteng di hatiku bukan kamu tau.." jawabnya jahil.
Momo kaget dan langsung membantah dengan suara keras tapi nadanya bercanda. "Hah? Siapa laki-laki itu? Berani-beraninya dia mengalahkanku yang satu-satunya paling peduli denganmu?"
"Ayahku." jawab Mimi pendek. Momo langsung mengkeret dan mengerti. Ia hanya membulatkan bibirnya. Mimi terenyum geli melihatnya. "Yah.. walaupun aku tak begitu ingat wajahnya, tapi aku yakin ayahku adalah lelaki yang sangat tampan. Karena paman dan bibiku juga berkata begitu."
Momo hanya bisa membulatkan bibirnya dan tersenyum. "Oke, kalau untuk ayahmu, kuperbolehkan. Tapi setelah ayahmu, tak ada yang lain selainku. Mengerti?"
Mimi mengangguk. "Ya, kuusahakan." Momo geregetan. Ia langsung mencubit pipi Mimi. Membuatnya mengaduh. Lalu melepasnya.
"By the way, kita mau makan di mana nih?" tanya Momo sambil memegang perutnya. Cacing di perutnya mulai protes.
"Terserah deh, ngikut aja. Asal bukan ikan asin aja." ia tertawa.
"Ya, alergimu. Kaupikir aku tak tahu? Apa sih yang tak aku tak tahu tentangmu?" batinnya. Ia berdiri, "kalau begitu, kita berangkat sekarang. Ayo!" Momo mengulurkan tangan yang langsung ditepis Mimi.
"Gak usah sok formal gitu lah.. Ayo!" katanya, bangkit dan berjalan mendahului Momo. Yang ditinggal cuma bisa diam beberapa saat sebelum mengikutinya.
Mimi menyambar tasnya yang ia letakkan di atas meja makan Momo dan hendak membuka pintu, ketika ia mendengar Momo memanggilnya. Ia menoleh.
"Tunggu, sini sebentar." perintah Momo yang berdiri di samping kasurnya. Mimi menghampirinya.
"Apa lagi?"
Momo menarik nafas. "Hari ini, aku haramkan kau untuk berpenampilan seperti itu." Ia mengambil kotak bersampul hijau muda di atas kasurnya itu. "Ini. gantilah dulu di kamar mandi. Aku menunggumu di sini."
Mimi membuka isinya. "Ini, apa?" ia menatap Momo bingung.
"Pakailah dulu. Jangan banyak bertanya."
Mimi menurut dan pergi ke kamar mandi. Kepalanya dipenuhi berbagai pertanyaan. "Kenapa Momo jadi bertingkah kayak gini? Pakai memberiku baju aneh begini pula? Pasti harganya mahal."
Selesai memakainya, Momo keluar dengan memakai dress panjang selutut warna hijau dan cardigan putih yang tadi dipakainya. Dress itu tanpa lengan, sehingga membuatnya tidak percaya diri. Disematkannya bros mawar yang tadi ada di dalam kotak bersama dress tersebut. Ia mematut lagi dirinya di cermin sepanjang badan di depan kamar mandi Momo.
Momo berjalan perlahan ke arah Mimi. Ia terkagum-kagum dengan penampilan baru Mimi. Tampak anggun dalam dress pemberiannya. Kontras dengan hariannya yang urakan.
"Nah, cantik kan? Kalau sudah, ayo berangkat!" Momo menyerahkan tas Mimi dan menggandeng tangannya. Mimi hanya membalas dengan tatapan malu.
15 Mar 2011
13 Mar 2011
White Rose : A Story of Kim Jinyeong and Kyoko Matsumoto
-Episode 4
Day by day goes by and Jinyeong always drive Kyoko school and home and wherever she needs to go. As the time goes by, their relationship is getting closer. A chit chat from being friends isn’t strange anymore. But sometimes, her cheeks still burst when receive compliments from him.
And It’s been Friday in the 2nd week. Jinyeong asks Kyoko for a ‘Family Day Out’ for tomorrow. “It’s an order from my dad, actually.” He’s being honest.
“No problem, whether it’s your family or yourself who asks, I’d like to join. I love recreation. Where will we go?”
“Any idea?”
She quickly smiles and answers, “How about the botanical garden?”
“Hum, I think it’s good. We can breathe much fresh air there.”
“It’s not just trees, you know? It has a maze garden too. And it’s tall enough. About 1.75 meters height.” She looks very excited.
“Ok, I’ll tell my parents. O yeah. Please confirm your family too, okay?”
“Sure! I’ll be glad if we’re going there!” She opens the door as the car stopped. “See you!”
She’s walking to the classroom. And she greets everyone she knows and smile to them. Right before she enters the classroom, she looks her best friend, Louis, stands outside class. His face looked pale.
“Hey you! Your asthma gonna make you die, huh?” she laughs and he laughs back. Consider other people in his square. “What are you thinking about? Are you sick?” She puts her hand on Louis forehead.
Louis takes it off. “No. Don’t. Please don’t do this.” He smiles, “I’m fine. Ah, by the way…”
“Ah, it’s ringing. Let’s enter the class.” Said Louis then he stands up.
“But what is it you’re just talking?”
“I told you later, in the break-time.”
But a voice, which come right before the break, ordered him to go to Student Council room. Then, Louis texts Kyoko to apologize.
“No regrets. It’s your responsibility though, as a leader. ”
“Kyoko,” said Jinyeong when he takes her home. And she just turn her head, “They agree to go to the botanical garden. So, be ready at 7 o’clock. My family will come to your house. Eh..” he feels something touches his hand, it’s Kyoko’s hand. And she looks at him passionately.
“Really? I’m going there again? Ayy, thank you so much Jinyeong..!”
Day by day goes by and Jinyeong always drive Kyoko school and home and wherever she needs to go. As the time goes by, their relationship is getting closer. A chit chat from being friends isn’t strange anymore. But sometimes, her cheeks still burst when receive compliments from him.
And It’s been Friday in the 2nd week. Jinyeong asks Kyoko for a ‘Family Day Out’ for tomorrow. “It’s an order from my dad, actually.” He’s being honest.
“No problem, whether it’s your family or yourself who asks, I’d like to join. I love recreation. Where will we go?”
“Any idea?”
She quickly smiles and answers, “How about the botanical garden?”
“Hum, I think it’s good. We can breathe much fresh air there.”
“It’s not just trees, you know? It has a maze garden too. And it’s tall enough. About 1.75 meters height.” She looks very excited.
“Ok, I’ll tell my parents. O yeah. Please confirm your family too, okay?”
“Sure! I’ll be glad if we’re going there!” She opens the door as the car stopped. “See you!”
She’s walking to the classroom. And she greets everyone she knows and smile to them. Right before she enters the classroom, she looks her best friend, Louis, stands outside class. His face looked pale.
“Hey you! Your asthma gonna make you die, huh?” she laughs and he laughs back. Consider other people in his square. “What are you thinking about? Are you sick?” She puts her hand on Louis forehead.
Louis takes it off. “No. Don’t. Please don’t do this.” He smiles, “I’m fine. Ah, by the way…”
“Ah, it’s ringing. Let’s enter the class.” Said Louis then he stands up.
“But what is it you’re just talking?”
“I told you later, in the break-time.”
But a voice, which come right before the break, ordered him to go to Student Council room. Then, Louis texts Kyoko to apologize.
“No regrets. It’s your responsibility though, as a leader. ”
“Kyoko,” said Jinyeong when he takes her home. And she just turn her head, “They agree to go to the botanical garden. So, be ready at 7 o’clock. My family will come to your house. Eh..” he feels something touches his hand, it’s Kyoko’s hand. And she looks at him passionately.
“Really? I’m going there again? Ayy, thank you so much Jinyeong..!”
general ficts,
white rose
4 Mar 2011
White Rose : A Story of Kim Jinyeong and Kyoko Matsumoto
Episode 3-
Today, the sky is really clear. The wind blow up slowly. It brings smile to all people. The smile of happiness. Because morning is the beginning of all prays and hopes. And so for a Harvard University student named Jinyeong.
Now, he is on the way to Kyoko’s home. But other than watching the road, he look at the informer all the time. Ensure himself that his appearance is handsome enough. Then, he arrives at Kyoko’ house.
It’s a simple classic house. The colour is white and surrounded by green grass. A willow tree with little pond stands at the left side. All the windows are opened to get fresh air inside. “Hm, cute!”
“Hey!” a voice calling. “Are you gonna stand there a whole day?” Kyoko smiles.
Ah, she’s Kyoko. She looks different in uniform. “Ah, good morning Kyoko! I’m sorry. Have you waited so long?”
“Just a couple minutes. Okay then, let’s go!”
The school takes around 20 minutes from her house. So they do a lite chat to kill the time.
“By the way, I don’t see your parents at your home. Are they working together?” Jinyeong asks.
“No. Dad is working and he always go early. But my mom isn’t working. She’s just have something with bank this morning.” She looks at him. “How about you? Is your mom working, or a housewife as my mother?”
“My mom is a housewife like yours, but she does a small business. She makes some cookies and sells it in someone’s shop. Do you know korean traditional rice cakes?”
Shaking her head, she says, “What’s that?”
“It’s made of rice flour. It has various shapes. Someday I will ask mom to make it for you.”
Her eyes sparkling suddenly. “Really? It would be great! Arigatou gozaimasu!”
Jinyeong smiles, “Domu ipputa.”
“Ah, here we are. You can drop me at the corner.” Said Kyoko.
“Understood, your highness!” Jinyeong stops the car. “What time will you finish? So I can pick you up.”
Shaking her head, smiling and she’s saying, “No need. Think I will come home late, I’m going to study at my friend’s apartment.”
“Okay, then give me your cell phone. I’ll put my number in. So you can text me if you need something.” He enters his number and add it to her phonebook. “Here. Alright then, I’ll be going! Bye!”
She waves her hand as replies. Then she turns around and walks to class. But she doesn’t know, one of her friend is looking at her strangely.
Today, the sky is really clear. The wind blow up slowly. It brings smile to all people. The smile of happiness. Because morning is the beginning of all prays and hopes. And so for a Harvard University student named Jinyeong.
Now, he is on the way to Kyoko’s home. But other than watching the road, he look at the informer all the time. Ensure himself that his appearance is handsome enough. Then, he arrives at Kyoko’ house.
It’s a simple classic house. The colour is white and surrounded by green grass. A willow tree with little pond stands at the left side. All the windows are opened to get fresh air inside. “Hm, cute!”
“Hey!” a voice calling. “Are you gonna stand there a whole day?” Kyoko smiles.
Ah, she’s Kyoko. She looks different in uniform. “Ah, good morning Kyoko! I’m sorry. Have you waited so long?”
“Just a couple minutes. Okay then, let’s go!”
The school takes around 20 minutes from her house. So they do a lite chat to kill the time.
“By the way, I don’t see your parents at your home. Are they working together?” Jinyeong asks.
“No. Dad is working and he always go early. But my mom isn’t working. She’s just have something with bank this morning.” She looks at him. “How about you? Is your mom working, or a housewife as my mother?”
“My mom is a housewife like yours, but she does a small business. She makes some cookies and sells it in someone’s shop. Do you know korean traditional rice cakes?”
Shaking her head, she says, “What’s that?”
“It’s made of rice flour. It has various shapes. Someday I will ask mom to make it for you.”
Her eyes sparkling suddenly. “Really? It would be great! Arigatou gozaimasu!”
Jinyeong smiles, “Domu ipputa.”
“Ah, here we are. You can drop me at the corner.” Said Kyoko.
“Understood, your highness!” Jinyeong stops the car. “What time will you finish? So I can pick you up.”
Shaking her head, smiling and she’s saying, “No need. Think I will come home late, I’m going to study at my friend’s apartment.”
“Okay, then give me your cell phone. I’ll put my number in. So you can text me if you need something.” He enters his number and add it to her phonebook. “Here. Alright then, I’ll be going! Bye!”
She waves her hand as replies. Then she turns around and walks to class. But she doesn’t know, one of her friend is looking at her strangely.
general ficts,
white rose
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